6 Short-Term Rental Options for Your PCS
by Rebecca Alwine - June 1st, 2022

The best laid PCS plans rarely go according to plan, so many military families have multiple plans ready to go. This summer, on-base wait lists are long, off-base inventory is low, interest rates are high, and cash buyers dominate the market. What’s a military family to do? Maybe the answer is a short-term rental.
The finances of short-term rentals for your PCS
When PCSing within the continental US, the military gives you temporary lodging expenses (TLE) for five to 10 days, which you can use on either side of your PCS. But when those 10 days are up, who covers your lodging expenses? The short answer is your bank account.
Yes, you can request an extension for more TLE here. You can also consider renting something for a short period. You can also use your dislocation allowance (DLA) to cover these additional days. Still, you likely had other plans for that – DLA's intent is to cover the expenses of setting up a new house, i.e., pet deposit, utility deposit, etc.
Don't forget to save all your receipts for the days you use TLE. Beyond that, your lodging expenses aren't reimbursable, but it's good to keep those receipts anyway.
When your TLE ends, your service member will start receiving basic allowance for housing, or BAH, for the new duty station. BAH stays at the rate from your old duty station until you sign in at the new one. At that point, how you spend your BAH is up to you; you don't need a letter of non-availability or approval for transportation to back your decision.
A short-term solution can answer a crazy housing market, giving you a place to stay while waiting for that on-base house to turnover. Rentals might be an option for an assignment in the six-to-12-month range. But where do you find them?
6 Short-Term Rental Options For Your PCS
Private company rental
Suppose you were to google short-term rental options. In that case, you'll likely see a long list of companies that provide corporate rentals or furnished rentals – many of which advertise to the military community. While this may be more room than you need at a higher price point than you want to pay, it may be the only option in some places. If you're going through a private company, check their reviews and make sure it will work with your timeline and the chance of your housing availability changing.
Airbnb or VRBO rental
If you've spent more than a few days in a hotel with a child or a pet, you already know you'll be "over it" very quickly. Rentals like VRBO and Airbnb provide you with a little more room at a comparable cost. The options range from entire homes, townhomes, rooms and even RVs or apartments. You can filter results, so they are "pet friendly," and most owners are open to negotiating a price for a longer-term rental.
According to the Joint Travel Regulation, you can't use Airbnb or VRBO rentals for official lodging, so only use those after TLE is exhausted.
DoD lodging
The rates available for DoD lodging on your installation with the proximity to your service member's job make this an option. As you've learned over the years, not all lodging is created equal. Options like Candlewood Suites – a popular hotel located on many installations – make for a more enjoyable experience while single, older hotel rooms don't. Sometimes you can get lucky with a suite that includes a set of bunk beds on the beach like at NAS Pensacola.
Furnished apartment
Probably the least desired option for short-term rentals when PCSing is a furnished apartment, especially if you have pets or kids. But it is still an option. Urban and suburban areas are more likely to have these options and offer month-to-month rates. Again, it's not a perfect solution, but while you're waiting for your household goods to be delivered or a house to become available, it's better than a hotel room.
MWR options on base
Many military installations have a lodging option beyond the hotel. The MWR website should list the options, though you'll need to call to make reservations. There may be cabins, lake houses, and even beachfront condos available. As price bands reflect rank, it's generally very affordable and an adventure. If you have an RV or camper, you can stay in that at a military campsite.
Long-term hotels
Short-term is still a relatively broad period, so if you are going to be waiting a few weeks to a month, a long-term hotel may be a good option. They're an easy solution, as they often come with breakfast and housekeeping, and some of them have dinner options a few nights a week. They also have laundry facilities, a fitness center and – depending on the weather! Extended stay is the keyword to look for when searching for a hotel.
Wherever you choose to stay during your PCS move, PCSgrades wants to help your family make a smooth transition to your new home. On our site, you'll find reviews of neighborhoods both on base and off the military installation, so you can find the right fit for your family!