Job Hunting Before a PCS Move
by AmeriForce Media - May 12th, 2022

This article was originally published in Military Families Magazine. Read the original article on Follow Military Families on Instagram.
Military spouse employment has been at the center of almost every military spouse related discussion for the past few years. The problem of underemployment and the rate of unemployment among spouses has not improved.
However, military spouses are working hard to fix this problem, and they are working together to do it. They are starting companies, they are employing each other, and they are sharing their tips for success with each other. Some of them shared their favorite tips and tricks for job hunting at your duty station.
Military spouse job hunting tips before a PCS move
Patie suggests joining online networking groups on places like LinkedIn and Facebook. Specifically, look for a local chapter of the Hiring Our Heroes Military Spouse Professional Network. The spouses that are involved with this organization have local career expertise and already have an established network that you can join.
When using LinkedIn, Jasmine recommends searching for “moving to+recruiter+military,” to find a list of all the military-affiliated recruiters. They may just be looking for veterans, but they are still a great place to start your search.
She adds, “Recruiters typically post positions they are hiring for on LinkedIn so having lots of recruiters in your network opens you up to a wider variety of positions. Just make sure they recruit in your field, you don’t want to add a recruiter who hires specifically for machine learning if that’s not your thing.”
Consider tapping into the local network as well, Sylvia is lucky that she’s returning to an area where she has once lived before. But chances are you know someone who lives there or has lived there. Reach out to them, find some local groups that are related to your field. Join those groups and get involved as soon as possible. You can never know too many people in your new area!
Reaching out in advance
Even though you are not quite living in the new location yet, don’t let that stand in your way. Several spouses recommend making contacts with recruiters and human resources as soon as you can. SJ suggests sending your resume to the companies you are interested in, making your profile searchable on websites, and getting information on upcoming openings.
Dianne and Nicole agree. Dianne likes to call the local employment development department to find out in what area the jobs are in, so you can make wise housing decisions. “Many times we find out we’ve moved to the wrong area and my commute turns out to be horrible,” she said.
Nicole suggests applying for jobs before you move. “I really want to have an [employment] offer and plan before the move happens,” she said. So she’s already updated her resume and began applying. She has already secured some second-round interviews. She’s found that potential employers have been flexible with conducting Skype interviews instead of in-person ones since she hasn’t moved yet.
Pay attention to details
Sometimes, changing small things on your resume or cover letter will help you during the transition period. Taking the time to update and revamp your resume can pay off, according to Paige. She also recommends taking courses to stay current on trends within your industry.
When updating your resume, Jennifer has some suggestions regarding your address. “If you’ve already secured a home in your new location, put that local address on your resume,” she said. If you don’t, she says you can use a friend’s address or get a PO box.