Kate: There are two options. If you are going to vote locally, where you currently live, then go to RegistertoVote.org or MilitaryTeenVoter.com
If you are going to vote in a different state, then we highly recommend that you register with the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP.gov) because they have specific rights and protections for military and overseas voters that you won’t get if you go directly through the state.
We have created a handy flowchart here for military families to explore various scenarios and understand where to vote and register.
Kate: If you want to vote in the new state, just register to vote in that new Home of Record. If you wanted to maintain residency in the previous state, then you can just request absentee ballots, but you don’t need to do anything new.
Kate: Still in their home of record, using an absentee ballot. If your college is out of state, use the Federal Voting Assistance Program because it has extra protections, like automatically prompting you to request an absentee ballot.
Tips for military teens going to college are found in this article.
Kate: The Federal Voting Assistance Program is a simple post card application form, which completes multiple steps in one form. We recommend you do the federal post card application every year, because then it will register you in your state, and automatically send you absentee ballots to vote.
Kate: On Secure Families Initiative.org we have a whole blog post about absentee ballots to explain where it goes. Absentee ballots are just ballots you fill out at home and not in a polling location on Election Day. Some states call it voting by mail, because absentee ballots are sent and returned by mail. It can feel complicated and intimidating, so if it’s that way for us, it is even more so for our teens.
Kate: You can contact your local election office. Vote.org has great tools to contact your local office. If you are an overseas voter, you can use that FVAP form, and they start sending ballots in early October. So watch and allow for extra time. There are tools on vote.org to track your ballot.
There is also a federal write-in ballot available at FVAP.org if you get down to the wire and still need to get your vote in.
Kate: Yes. Voter rules and election laws are localized, so there isn’t one nationwide answer. Some states need to be received by the election office by election day. Other allow overseas absentee ballots up to 10 days after Election Day. So check your state’s requirements.
MilitaryTeenVoter.com has an election reminder tool to let you know about smaller, local elections where you are registered. You’ll see Primary deadlines, registration deadlines, etc.
Kate: Vote411 and BallotReady are two resources we love because they offer non-partisan information about the voting process.
Kate: Find your polling location on Vote.org.
Kate: It depends on your state. Vote.org will have local regulations. Double-check before you leave the house.
Raleigh: No, but I’m going to do it this year! NMFA believes in the importance of voting in America! NMFA is urging all its employees to volunteer at the polls on Election Day if they feel comfortable. We encourage military spouses and teens to do this too! We are working with Vet The Vote to encourage military families to be involved in voting and volunteering.
Kate: I have never lived where I vote, and you usually need to be a local registered voter to work the polls. But I would love to because it’s a great opportunity to serve the country.
Kate: You must be a citizen, at least 18 years old.
Raleigh: You should do it now! September is not too early! Know what the process is, what the requirements are for your ballots, and do it once you arrive at a new duty station.
Kate: You’ve been waiting 18 years to make your voice heard. You have your own opinions, so make them heard at the ballot box, where it really matters. Especially at local elections, one vote can influence the future of your school and community!
Raleigh: America needs you! Go vote because your voice matters, your experience matters, and your opinion matters. Take your kids with you so they see and understand the process. If you’re a teen, don’t feel afraid to ask. Tell a poll worker it’s your first time and you aren’t sure what to do. Don’t be intimidated.
Guests: Raleigh Duttweiler, Director of Outreach at NMFA
Kate Marsh Lord, Communications Director, Secure Families Initiative