Website Relocates to Military OneSource
by AmeriForce Media - November 4th, 2021

This article was originally published in Military Families Magazine. Read the original article on Follow Military Families on Instagram.
The Department of Defense recently launched a new landing page on designed to serve as a replacement for its previous information hub, The new page, PCS & Military Moves, features all the resources and assistance a moving customer might need for their entire relocation experience, saving time and making it easier to access information from one centralized location. is scheduled to close on Nov. 1, 2021. After that date, visitors will be redirected to and U.S. Transportation Command will provide updates to content as needed.
Customers can access the PCS & Military Moves landing page under the Moving & Housing section on the Military OneSource website. Once there, they can schedule a move and find resources related to shipping their personal property, as well as other aspects of their move. Some of the key information and tools include:
Resources to help manage personal property shipments:
Login for the Defense Personal Property System
Transportation office and customer service contacts
Guides and articles explaining each step of the moving process
Videos with news updates and tips
Frequently asked questions about moving personal property
Brochures and fact sheets about claims, policies, entitlements, etc.
Moving assistance tailored for each service branch
Assistance in preparing to move and settling into a new community:
Tips for living overseas
Connections with a variety of family and school support services
Finding employment for a spouse
Tools for creating moving task lists
Information about new duty stations
For nearly a year, U.S. Transportation Command’s Defense Personal Property Management Office collaborated with the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy to transition personal property information to The resulting webpages now provide a single access point for service members and their families to plan the full spectrum of their move.
“The primary factor driving this transition has improved customer service by providing service members and their families with a single, integrated location to access information, resources and assistance during their moving experience,” said Air Force Col. Joel Safranek, director of the Defense Personal Property Management Office for U.S. Transportation Command. provides comprehensive information, resources and assistance on every aspect of military life. The updated web pages are designed for service members, DOD civilian employees and their families who are or will be impacted by a move.
“DOD’s Military OneSource program provides 24/7 support to military members and their families,” said Erika Slaton, Associate Director, Military Community Support Programs. “The Military OneSource website already provides significant relocation information, tools and resources. This made it the perfect place to create a centralized location for our military community.”
Military OneSource is a DOD-funded program that is both a call center and a website providing comprehensive information, resources and assistance on every aspect of military life. Military OneSource services are available worldwide 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at no cost to the user at 800-342-9647 or via secure live chat. For Defense Personal Property System, or DPS questions, contact your local transportation office or call 800-462-2176. The Customer Service page under the PCS & Military Moves section also includes an extensive list of additional support services for specific portions of a move.
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This story was written by U.S. Transportation Command Public Affairs