9 DIY Halloween Costumes Made from Boxes
by PCSgrades Staff - October 6th, 2021

There is no shortage of boxes following a military move. In fact, after a military move, many families offer them for free to the first taker. But before you head to the recycling center, check out this list of creative ideas for making an easy, eco-friendly D.I.Y. Halloween costume. Finally, a benefit to a Fall move!

Moving Box Halloween Costumes
Foodie Costumes
S’more – Take a rectangular box and cut arm and head holes. Paint white and dark brown for marshmallows and chocolate. Take two flat pieces of plain cardboard (cut slightly larger than your box) and paint thin circles and line down the center for graham crackers. Attach to box in front and back.

Popcorn - Use a dish pack box for kids or a wardrobe box for an adult. Cut out the bottom, top, and arm holes. Paint red and white stripes on the box, use rope or belts for shoulder straps, and blow up yellow balloons for popcorn
Chinese Take Out – Start with a square box, paint white with red writing, and use some tin foil and paper towel rolls to craft the box handle.
Juice Box – Take a rectangular box and cut arm and head holes. Find a pool noodle or paper towel tubes to craft the straw. Enlarge your favorite juice box graphics or use your paint skills to cover the box.
Household Items
Refrigerator – Start with a wardrobe box. Paint a wardrobe box white or silver, cut out the bottom, arms, and a hole for the head. Then, paint paper towel rolls or toilet paper rolls silver and glue on for door handles, and slit the top and side so the fridge and freezer doors can open. Adventurous painters can paint “food” on shelves inside the fridge.
Washer or Dryer – Cut out the bottom of a dish pack box. Make holes for the arms and head, then cut a round hole in the front. Using markers to draw the control panel knobs finish it up by gluing an empty soap container or dryer sheet box to the top.

For the Washer:
Take a large Ziploc bag and add a little bit of water and soap to make it bubbly. Add a bright-colored sock or two and attach the bag tightly to the inside of the box around the front hole.
For the Dryer:
Take a large Ziploc bag and add a piece of clothing and a dryer sheet. Then, secure the bag around the front hole.
Oven – Cut arm and head holes in a dish pack box. Paint the box white and cut a door on the front. Pipe cleaners can be rolled for the burners, and you can paint knobs on the front and the “glass” on the door.
Toys as Halloween Costume
Thomas The Train engine – Use a box about the same size as your child, cut out the bottom and top. Take additional cardboard and bend it to the shape of Thomas. Use foam board to create a lip around the bottom. Take a round container such as an oatmeal cylinder for the front and place a paper towel roll as a smokestack in a cut-out hole. Cut up a toilet paper tube to create the buffers in the front and attach two circles made from cardboard or the leftover foam board. Cut wheels from cardboard or foam board or use plastic coffee can lids. Use a belt or rope to wear the costume over the shoulder. Print a picture of Thomas’ face, attach it, and paint!

Rubik’s Cube – Cut the bottom and arm and head holes out of a square box and use tape to mask off squares. Paint each square a different color and use black tape to outline each square.
Lego Blocks – From a rectangular box, cut out an arm and head holes. Then paint it your favorite Lego color. Add on painted circular containers for the top of the Lego block.

Of course, the sky’s the limit when it comes to using a box for a Halloween costume, anything you can imagine is possible. Some cute examples we have seen include playing dice – this would be cool for siblings. Or an aquarium, traffic light, crayon box, tissue box, or milk carton. The real question is, how much time do you want to take and how creative are you?