5 Tips for an Easy College Move-In Day
by PCSgrades Staff - August 2nd, 2022

Military families face a lot of challenges, and one of the most difficult for parents might be when it’s time to send their child to college. Moving into college is a lot like a military move: controlled chaos. Here are a few tips to make that day just a little bit easier.
1. Read the student handbook
Before the packing can begin, you’ll want to check out the handbooks that your student’s school should offer. These are usually found online, so check the resident life section of the website. Here your student can find things like floor plans for dorms, information on painting or hanging things on the walls, and the furniture the school provides. There will also be a list of prohibited items, which may include coffee makers, hot plates, and other items that can be fire hazards.
2. Use your carefully honed packing skills
Just like when you’re preparing for a military move, you’ll need to make a list that includes school supplies, clothing, and anything else your student may need. If you need help starting a list, consider The College Packing List – a free app available on both iPhone and Android.
The app is pre-loaded with a massive list of potentially-needed items and sorts them into Need, Have, and Packed categories, which makes it easy to see what is and is not already in your car. You can also add your personalized items if they’re not on the list, so you don’t forget that inhaler or retainer last minute.
3. Talk to the roommates
There’s nothing quite like that moment when you meet the roommates in person for the first time on college move-in day and realize all four of them brought a microwave. That’s easily avoidable if your student talks to them before move-in day. Divide and conquer with those extras, because space is absolutely at a premium.
4. Make shopping an adventure
By now you’re well-informed, and your shopping list is just about complete. It’s time to Target, right? Well, pause just a moment and think about the logistics. If you’re driving your student to college, shop over the summer – before the rush begins – and then load it up. If you’re flying, you will want to do most of the shopping when you arrive.
Bed, Bath, & Beyond offers a layaway program where you can shop and pick it up at a location convenient to you – wherever your university may be. This can be especially helpful for buying bulky items like rugs that you might not want to drive or ship cross-country. Also, consider Amazon Prime or any place that may let you order ahead and pickup when you arrive.
5. Strategically pack the car for move-in day
By now, packing the car for a move is second nature, but you can still implement some strategy here. Just like that parts box, or the first night box, you’ll want some things easily available when you arrive. Most likely you’ll be instructed to unload your car in front of the dorm and then park it before anything enters the building. Check on the procedure before you pack so you can unload and move items efficiently.
Some colleges give you a move-in window, so make sure you know when you’re supposed to be there. I’d also definitely recommend rearranging the furniture to your liking first thing before you start wheeling in the boxes. Make sure to run a Clorox wipe over everything as some dorms and apartments are used for summer programs, and you want to make sure your room is clean before you start pulling out your stuff.
College move-in day can be hectic, but typically your resident life team will be there to make it as smooth as possible. As a military family, this is just one more move, out of all the others you have completed before. So take a breath, plan it out, and be prepared for the mixture of emotions on college move-in day!